School law and school types

Important things from the education law of Saxony

The Saxon School Act stipulates that all young people (until 18) in Saxony have a right to education. It does not matter where children come from or how much money the parents have.

  • School education should contribute to the development of students in society.
  • Each school plans the tuition based on the curricula in agreement with the the schools’ possibilities.
  • In all classes, no more than 25 pupils should be taught.

Compulsory school attendance

Compulsory education means that all children and young people who live in Saxony, have to go to school. Depending on age, children learn in elementary school, high school or vocational school.
The compulsory education from primary school to secondary school / high school takes nine years. Compulsory education for vocational school lasts three years.
Parents need to ensure that the child goes to school. Parents take care of all materials required for the child. This includes writing materials, sports equipment, swimwear etc. Parents need to give to the child clean clothes, enough food and drinks (no glass bottles).

Types of Schools

Primary school

The primary school (class 1 – 4) is basic for the following types of schools. The focus is on learning with playful and creative methods. The children should be able to learn independently.

High School (Oberschule)

The high school (class 5 – 10) creates conditions for vocational training. In high school, two different degrees can be achieved. From grade 7, students are divided according to performance. Either they attend a class that will reach the  CSE (Hauptschulabschluss – lower) or the "Realschulabschluss" (higher).
After the 9th grade is achieved "Hauptschulabschluss". After the 10th class of the "Realschulabschluss" can be achieved. What degree is reached, depends on the grades and the exams a pupil passes.

Grammar school (Gymnasium)

The “Gymnasium” (class 5 – 12) provides an extended general education. The aim is to prepare for higher education (Abitur/Allgemeine Hochschulreife, highest German school degree). In Gymnasium the lessons are often organized in courses.

Comment to the change of school (Education Recommendation):

After primary school the child attends either the high school or the gymnasium. The primary school gives each child an educational recommendation. The recommendation will depend on the performance of the child. On request this recommendation can be repeatedly given after Class 5, 6 or 10. Therefore it can be decided again whether the child changes from the high school to gymnasium or not.

Vocational School

If young people know after high school, which profession they want to learn, they apply for vocational training. Vocational training is usually held alternately in the workplace and in a vocational school. The vocational school may attend young people with “Abitur” or a degree from the high school ("Hauptschulabschluss" or "Realschulabschluss"). Which degree is required depends on the requirements of the chosen profession.
If the child does not attend gymnasium, it is bound up to 18 years, to visit the vocational school by law. In the vocational school trainees (students) are trained specifically job-related.
Duration of training: circa 3 years