Homework book

This booklet contains important instructions for the homework the children have to make on each subject. It may also include notifications to the parents.
Homework, appointments, pending marks and required materials are listed here. Parents should check the homework book daily. Each week is presented on a double page. A task e.g. on Wednesday in the subject German (D) has to be done until then. If there are multiple tasks for a day, therefore you should plan more time to do the homework.

Stunden On the left and right side of the Homework book you find the hours for each day. The abbreviations used can be found here.

Datum On the top edge the date of the current week is entered.

Montag Example Monday: The first hour is free. Therefore school starts at second hour. All tasks and appointments have to be finished on the date on which they are listed.

Aufgabe Arbeitsheft Entries such as "AH p.27 N 2 a, b" indicate that a task has to be done. Here is explained step by step, what does the "code" means:

  • "AH" means "workbook"
  • "S" stands for "page" (in the book or magazine)
  • "27" indicates the page number where the tasks are
  • "N" means "number", ie the number
  • "2" on the said page is meant
  • "A, b" means that only these two objects of that number have to do!

Abkürzungen Other important abbreviations for teaching materials:

  • "B" stands for "book"
  • "LB" stands for "textbook"
  • "AB" stands for "worksheet". These are single sheets, which are distributed separately.

Zettel Dates like sports meetings or excursions are sometimes announced in separate notes.

Noten Other important abbreviations, you should know:

  • "LK" stands for "Leistungskontrolle" (short written / oral test)
  • "KA" stands for "Klassenarbeit" (longer written test)
  • "Unt." Stands for "Signature", there you have to check the documents and sign!
  • "Ber." Stands for "correction", there your child has to correct errors of a test or a performance assessment.

rote Notizen Red written notes are notes that are from the class teacher. These notes contain information about the child's behavior, lack of materials or messages to parents.